Frequently Asked Questions about CompostAVL

Common Questions about Our Curbside Compost Pickup Service in Buncombe and Haywood Counties


When the bins are picked up where do you prefer we leave them?

At the end of your driveway by the road is perfect. We recommend putting your bins out the morning of. NOT the night before

How often and when should we expect to receive compost back? My understanding is that the amount of compost we get back depends on the amount we are composting, correct?

For every 4 bins of compost we pick up you earn 1 bin of dirt back, if you have chosen to have the "soil swap" option. If you choose to give back to a school you are welcome to buy a bin of "black gold" at $5 per bin.


Do you recommend keeping the bins outside (to reduce the smell) or can they be kept indoors?

We recommend keeping your bin inside. We keep ours inside and the lid closed tight. Our dogs leave them alone and they do not have a smell. We highly recommend adding lemons to the bottom of your bin.


I'd prefer to get compost back to use in my garden.

When selecting the school please choose- "No School-Soil Swap" option under "What local school would you like to support?"


Do I need to be home for pick up?

No you do not. Please make sure your bin is out by 8am (at the end of your driveway is preferred) and we pick up between 8am - 12pm.


Do you provide compostable liners for the bins when you drop them off?

We line the bins with a corn based trash bag.


Should they expect to receive their first bin January 1 or will it be another date due to the holiday?

Because of the holiday, we will be picking up/dropping off on January 2nd. Otherwise it’s the 1st and the 15th of every month.


If so, do you have a list of the holidays they should expect a delayed pick-up/ drop off?

Inside their bin they will receive a list of the do’s and don’ts of what to put in the bin:)


Do you have a list of things that your compost facility accepts?

The compost processing facility we drop our compostables at is certified for commercial composting. As a rule of thumb, anything once living can be composted. Here are some of the common food items that are accepted.

Please follow the link to get the list of Comostable items.


Do you provide cooking oil collection services at all?

As of now we do not have an oil collection service. How much oil are you going through per week?


Because they will be receiving one bin every 2 weeks, should they expect a soil drop off every 8 weeks?

Yes, they will receive a soil drop every other month. Over the winter months(December and January) we stalled the soil drop. Everyone will receive soil again in February.


Can food cooked in oil/butter be put in the bin?

Yes, that will be just fine. Any food scraps should be good.

Does the bin need to be full to put out for pick up?

No, please put out your bin even if it is not all the way full.

Do I knot the bag closed or just fold it inside the bin?

It would be great if you can fold it in, no need to tie it, but thank you.

Can I put weeds and dead headed plant matter from outside gardens in bin?

Yes for sure, but please make sure no pest control or sprays are used 🙂

Would it be possible to get an extra bin?

Yes, that is no problem at all. An extra bin is only $5. To get this done please email us and we will upgrade or downgrade you.

Can I upgrade or downgrade the number of bins I have?

Yes, that is no problem at all. An extra bin is only $5. To get this done please email us and we will upgrade or downgrade you.

How do I update my payment details for my declined or expired card?

Please email us and we will help you update this.

I'm not a member/ I'm a member and would like to purchase soil?

Yes, you can order bins of soil from us by using this link: Once we receive your order, we will ask for your shipping address and other information.
Please expect the delivery of the soil 7+ days from payment being received. It will depend on your location and our current delivery schedule.